Light, taking it literally, is meant to illuminate and brighten a space. Check out pendant lighting Melbourne. Connotatively, light is spiritual, it is knowledge and intelligence, and is a source of goodness. Hence, light is realized to be something positive. What about the word gaslighting? Do you think it is something positive or otherwise?
Gaslighting – What is it?
Since Trump was sworn into office, the term “gaslighting” has emerged and is often used. And often times, many politicians are accused of gaslighting. So, what is gaslighting? Gaslighting is an approach wherein an individual or entity makes a victim doubt and question their reality so as to obtain more control, authority and power. Anyone is vulnerable to gaslighting, and is a usual tactic applied by dictators, abusers, narcissists, as well as cult leaders. Gaslighting is carried out in slow pace so that the victim won’t become conscious and realize the extent and gravity of how much they have been brainwashed.
There are cautionary signs that a person may be gaslighting you. Below are some things that gaslighters do, so be wary:
They Communicate Obvious Lies
Although it is a discernable lie, gaslighters still say it without batting an eyelash. They are so flagrant since they have a precedent planned. As soon as they tell you a gigantic lie, you become uncertain if anything they utter is true. They aim is to keep you unsteady and a bit askew.
Even with Evidence, They Deny to Have Mentioned Certain Statements
Even if you know that they mentioned something about doing something, gaslighters would refute and deny it making you cast doubt on your reality, thinking that perhaps they never mentioned it at all. The more gaslighters do this, the more you start to question and doubt your certainty and begin to accept and believe theirs.
Their Words and Deeds are Unmatched
When you encounter or deal with gaslighting individuals or entities, pay attention to their actions instead of the of the many things they say. What they speak means nothing, what they do is the matter at hand.
They Recognize Confusion as a Weakness
Individuals or entities that gaslights are aware that people like bearing a sense of constancy and stability. Their aim is to deracinate this as well as to make you repetitively question and doubt everything so to engrain their beliefs in you. And the innate tendency for human to look up to the individual or entity that gives you that sense of stability.