In politics, social movement refers to not well thought campaign but is constantly backed up to support a social goal. Oftentimes, it is either focuses on the prevention or implementation of change in the values or structure of the society. This is an important matter that should not be disregarded because even a minute change can impact the operations of the economy.
Collective Behavior
Numerous businesses might sometimes have to change their policies or meet certain guidelines for them to keep running. Despite the fact that social movements are varying in size, all of them are collective.
Collective behavior in panics, crowds and the likes are actually brief episodic or duration and are also guided mostly by impulse. When short-lived impulses opened doors for long-term goals and when sustained association has taken place of situation groupings of people, this is then considered social movement.
What makes Social Movements?
Movement isn’t just about perpetuated crowd but because a crowd doesn’t have that motivational and organizational mechanism. These elements are crucial in effort to sustain membership throughout the period of waiting and inaction. Not only that, crowd mechanisms can’t be used in achieving communication as well as coordination of various activities on wide area like a continent or nation.
Movement is a combination of spontaneity and organization. Usually, there’s several organizations that do give leadership, coordination and identity to the movement.
Social Change and Social Movement
All the known definitions for social movement is reflecting to the idea that social movement is related intrinsically to social change. They are not encompassing activities or actions of people as members of a stable social group with unquestioned, established structures, values and norms.
The behavior of the members within social movements are not affecting assumptions that social order will being as it is. Rather, it’s reflecting the collective faith of people and brings out or prevent social change if they are going to dedicate themselves to a common goal. Uncommitted observers might even regard the goals as an illusion but to members, they’re hopes that can and will be realized sooner or later.