It doesn’t matter if you are trying to conceive or just like to know about the signs of ovulation that your body gives. If you have a friend who don’t speak your native language and needs access for such information, then the following lines will definitely help and a translation service like where the contents can be translated to their mother tongue.

Sign #1. Monitoring of Basal Body Temperature

This is occasionally called as BBT. This is simply the body’s temperature while at rest. At the start of cycle, it stays consistent and ranges between 97.2F to 97.6F. As women gets closer and closer to their ovulation period, there is a tad dip in BBT which is then followed by a sharp increase which is approximately .4 to 1 degrees.

One way of knowing if you are ovulating is by monitoring your BBT over the course of few months. Take your body’s temperature the moment you wake up and before you get out of bed. List down every reading. Be mindful as well that the reading will fluctuate by half degree or sometimes more. After months of observation, it’ll give you an idea whether you are ovulating or not.

Sign #2. Calendar Period

Yet another free and basic way of monitoring ovulation is by recording the number of days that your period starts and ends every month.

Say that you have normal menstrual cycles between 25 and 35 days, then most likely you have “regular” ovulation. This means that your ovulation starts 14 days prior your menstrual period.

In such, common signs of ovulation include:

  • Cramps
  • Increase in cervical mucus
  • Fluid retention
  • Breast tenderness and;
  • Changes in mood or appetite

Use an Ovulation Kit

OTC ovulation kit is used to help predict the levels of luteinizing hormone that can be easily detected through your urine. The kits work wonder as ovulation normally hits around 10 to 12 hours after the LH peaks; assuming that you have a 28-day cycle, on 14th or 15th day of menstrual cycle. The concentration of LH must stay high for 14 to 27 hours, allowing full maturation of the egg.